Setting the Record Straight

After hearing about mischaracterization of our work that was affecting the safety and comfort of the fishermen we work with, we felt it was important to set the record straight. …

Hello Summer

Slow Food USA Leadership Meeting in New Orleans

As fishermen from Alaska to Maine gear up for the season, NAMA is, too. Our Seafood Throwdowns kick off later this week in Providence, Rhode Island, and the summer is …

Loud and Clear – March 15, 2013

The message from the Who Fishes Matters Tour was pretty clear: Fish grabs and consolidation of fisheries access into a few hands is a real and urgent problem; Safeguards to …

Fleet Diversity Update

Fleet Diversity Amendment 18 Process From Recent New England Fishery Management Council-related Meetings One thing leads to another (or not), and a rocky trajectory relative to the life of groundfish Amendment …

A Well Oiled, Efficient Ocean?

NAMA Newsletter June 15, 2010 A Well Oiled, Efficient Ocean? By Niaz Dorry, NAMA’s Coordinating Director If you aren’t moved by the images from the Gulf of Mexico as oil …

Ed Barrett – Marshfield, Massachusetts

Ed, who owns a pair of boats, became a full time fisherman in the late seventies, at a time when he says, the fishing industry was a booming, exciting, and lucrative business.

Fleet Vision Needed Now

NAMA Newsletter March 23, 2010 By Brett Tolley NAMA’s Community Organizer & Policy Advocate Click on this link to sign the Fleet Vision Pledge today! Cody crawls around on the …

In Memory of Tom Osmers

On March 12th, 2010, New England lost a fellow fisherman and passionate advocate for small-scale fishing. Tom Osmers urged the adoption of “intentional inefficiencies” in fishing technology, recognizing that truly …

Trickle Up or Trickle Down?

NAMA Newsletter November 20, 2009 National Ocean and Fisheries Policies: Trickle Up or Trickle Down? By Boyce Thorne Miller NAMA’s Science & Policy Coordinator “Fire! Aim! Ready!” A quote attributed …

“Green” Seafood?

Fall 2008 Newsletter By: NAMA Staff Our inbox raneth over in response to our last newsletter “Eat Local Seafood.” So much so that we couldn’t respond to all of you …

Green Jobs on the Blue Ocean

A message from Niaz Dorry Coordinating Director When I first started working on fisheries issues, one thing became clear right off the bat: this is not a jobs vs. environment …